I've worn many bonnets over the years: writer, reader, park ranger, historical interpreter, historic site curator, video producer, educator. I never had a job I didn't love!
As a child, I dreamed of being a full-time writer. Now I have the fun of writing books about ideas that fascinate me, experiences that fascinated me, and historical tidbits that capture my imagination.
Although I've had the privilege of writing many books for young readers, including twenty titles for American Girl, I've poured most of my energy in recent years into teen/adult titles.
Current projects include the Chloe Ellefson Mystery series and the Hanneke Bauer Mystery series. Both were inspired by the years I worked at Old World Wisconsin, an outdoor ethnic museum near the village of Eagle. I also write poetry and nonfiction.
Happy reading!

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My Latest Releases

A Most Perilous Journey - A Hanneke Bauer Mystery
Hanneke Bauer jerked upright in bed when a fist pounded against the back door. The night was black as pitch. Sleet rattled angrily against the windowpanes.
When Hanneke Bauer's husband was murdered, her dream of enjoying family life died with him. She knew she needed a new purpose in life. Chance draws her into anti-slavery work, and that new purpose becomes clear. She is determined to join other Abolitionists and help desperate runaways escape north. The work is dangerous, however, and she hopes she can live long enough to make a difference.

The Weavers Revenge - A Chloe Ellefson Mystery
This is a mistake, Chloe thought as she parked her car in the secret spot along the wooded entrance drive to Old World Wisconsin.
When offered a rare opportunity to help develop a fledgling historic site dedicated to Finnish American history and heritage, [museum] curator Chloe Ellefson journeys to the remote Northwoods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. In addition to the consultant job, she’s on a personal quest to learn about the enduring tradition of rag rug weaving.

The poems in Balancing were inspired by the experience of women who, in the 19th and 20th centuries, sought new homes in the Upper Midwest. The first waves of pioneers, predominantly Yankees from Northeastern states, were soon followed by European immigrants. Few women recorded their struggles and satisfactions, but by juxtaposing research and imagination, Ernst breathes new life into their forgotten stories.

Although I've had the privilege of writing many books for young readers, I've poured most of my energy in recent years into teen/adult titles.
Click below to see more books I have written.